Thursday 28 July 2011

Blog Assignment 3

In the 'Grammar of Ornament' (1856) Owen Jones argued that "Construction should be decorated. Decoration should never be purposely constructed." I think that he meant that when we design we should first design the object and then decorate it. Rather than changing our design to fit the decorations. Visual aesthetics are important but not to the point where it overpowers the functionality of the object.

A.W.N Pugin (1812-1852) backs up this argument by saying that painting and sculpture should be added to architecture rather than be by itself. He also states that the intention of the ornament should match the use of the object.

I completely agree with both Jones and Pugin. The fact that designers were/are designing around the function of an object to the point where the function is secondary to the aesthetics is wrong. There is no use to an object if it doesn't work as needed. Here are two examples:

The table on the left, designed in 1740 France, clearly shows decoration constructed. The design of the legs is extremely decorated and carved. The overall structure and use of the table has suffered because the table will not be as strong. Not that this is a bad thing, but its design has led to a decrease in its functionality.

However, the table on the right, designed in the 2000's, has very little decoration on it. It has been specifically designed to be a table, looking at its function before thinking about its aesthetics. We can see that this table looks very sturdy and safe. This backs up Pugin's statement that function should come first in design.

Pugin quote referenced from Lecture 27/07

Thursday 21 July 2011

Blog Assignment 2

The Sydney Opera House was built in 1973 after Danish architect Jorn Utzon had entered his design into a competition in 1957. The building in home to many multi purpose venues and is easily one of the most recognisable buildings in the world.

It is a good example of the continuous curve because, although it does have straight lines, it is primarily designed around the curve. This elegant shape strengthens the beauty of this building. From a distance the building is said to look like lots of ships sails blowing in the wind.

Sensuous Impulse was obviously a key aspect behind the design of this building. The practicality of having these shell shaped roof structures is nowhere to be found, the cost of making them was phenomenl. Visual effect and beauty must have been the strongest impulse for this design.  

Thursday 14 July 2011

Blog Assignment 1


In 1982 the movie Tron was released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Steven Lisberger and produced by Donald Kushner, Tron was the first film to add computer generated special effects to a films. The degree to which films now rely on special effects is so immense that Tron is one of the most important moments in film history. Tron is a good example of how using new technology in design can seriously benefit and change a whole industry.